LED Screens and Fire Protection

📣 Breaking News: Our article on LED screens and fire protection published in Stadionwelt INSIDE! 📰

We are thrilled to announce that our article on the topic of "LED screens and fire protection" was published in the 2/2023 issue of the Fachmagazin  Stadionwelt INSIDE was published. In this article, we take a detailed look at the fascinating possibilities of LED screen technology in stadiums, while also highlighting the crucial issue of fire safety.

The use of LED screens in modern stadiums has grown enormously in recent years. The stunning visual displays they offer spectators have taken the stadium experience to a new level. From stunning video displays to interactive content and dynamic advertising messages, these advanced LED screens offer a wide range of possibilities.

However, our article in Stadionwelt INSIDE goes one step further by looking at the fire safety aspect in this context. The safety of stadium visitors is always a top priority, and we examine the various measures and technologies required to bring the use of LED screens into line with strict fire safety regulations.

We look at the materials used, the installation techniques, the maintenance requirements and the certifications required to ensure that the LED screens meet the highest safety standards. Furthermore, we discuss the innovative solution that helps to minimize potential fire hazards and ensure the protection of stadium visitors.

Our goal is to provide stadium operators, event organizers and technology providers with valuable insights and information to ensure that the integration of LED screens is in compliance with fire safety regulations. At the same time, we want to raise awareness of this issue in the sports and entertainment industry and ensure that the visual spectacle of LED screens does not come at the expense of safety.

We invite you to read our insightful article in Stadionwelt INSIDE and share your thoughts and comments on it with us. Together, we can help ensure that LED screens in stadiums are not only visually impressive, but also meet the highest safety standards.

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