First non-flammable LED screen

Screen Experts

First non-flammable 
LED screen

Commercially available LED screens have enormous fire potential. Not only are they highly flammable, they also burn over a long period of time. The burning plastics also release large quantities of smoke and toxic gases and contaminate the air we breathe.
Our patented process (Non Flammable LED Screen) for LED screens offers a completely new type of protection. In the event of fire, there is only minimal outgassing and no flame development on the pixel cards.
We achieve up to A2-s1-d0 according to EN13501-1!
The use of two protective layers ensures maximum safety. These layers shield the LED-components and reliably prevent the spread of fire.
The advantages of First Non-Flammable LED Screen at a glance:
• Mehrschichtiges Verfahren für maximale Sicherheit • Einschichtige Lösungen nicht wirksam • Nach EN13501-1 ist eine Brandklasse bis zu A2-s1-d0 möglich • Indoor & Outdoor für verschiedene Pitches verfügbar • Kostenschonend: keine weiteren Löschsysteme nötig! • durch Internationale Patente geschützt:
   – 16 EU Länder EP 3 270 369 B1
   – Korea 10-2321017
   – USA Patent Application Publication No.:  US2019/0229099 A1 • Endfertigung in Europa • ETA in Vorbereitung
For more information about our non-flammable LED screen click here (PDF).





The use of two protective layers ensures maximum safety. These layers shield the LED-components and reliably prevent the spread of fire.

The advantages of First Non-Flammable LED Screen at a glance:
Multi-layer method for maximum safety
Single-layer solutions are not effective
According to EN13501-1, A2-s1-d0 can be achieved
Indoor and Outdoor versions of different pitches available
Cost effective: no additional extinguishing systems required
International patent
   -16 EU countries EP 3 270 369 B1
   -Korea 10-2321017
   -USA Patent Application Publication No.:  US2019/0229099 A1
Manufactured in Europe
ETA in preperation
Further information on the First Non-Flammable LED Screen can be found at here.





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