Restoration of a 10-year-old LED container

Vor über zehn Jahren hat unser CTO Tobias Kick damit begonnen, LED-Bildschirm-Container zu entwerfen und auszuliefern. Diese innovativen Container sind mit LED-Bildschirmen ausgestattet, die eine Pixelgröße von 10 mm (DIP) haben und in die Seitenwände des Containers integriert sind. Dadurch fungiert der Container als mobiles, beleuchtetes Werbeschild, das besonders auf Baustellen sehr effektiv eingesetzt werden kann.


We recently received a call from Heinz von Heiden GmbH. They asked if we would be able to repair one of their LED screens. We had installed these screens in their containers at the time. Fortunately, we still had the necessary spare parts in stock. Without hesitation, one of our experienced technicians immediately got to work. Thanks to his dedication and expertise, the LED container was quickly repaired.

LED Container

It is remarkable that this screen, which can almost be described as antique, is still functional and usable after more than ten years. This success story underlines not only the longevity of our products, but also our ability to provide long-term support and service. So our customers can be sure that they can count on our support even years after their purchase

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