Review of the Annual General Meeting of the ZVSL

At this year's annual general meeting of the ZVSL - Zentralverband Schilder und Lichtreklame in Cologne, we had the opportunity to give a presentation on our innovations: our Non Flammable LED Screens.

The event provided a platform for discussing current developments and upcoming trends in the industry. In addition to the election of the new Board of Directors and the recognition of deserving members, the program also included presentations by supporting members.

In view of the increasing importance of safety in advertising technology, many members were interested in the non-flammable LED screens and their possible applications.

Overall, the Annual General Meeting was once again a pleasant gathering with many familiar faces and partners - an enriching experience that allowed us to present our latest products to a wide audience and gain valuable insights into the needs and requirements of the industry.


We were honored as sponsors for our long-standing membership of the ZVSL.

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